

Announcement of Firebird Book awards

October 14, 2024 – Speak Up Talk Radio announced the recent INTERNATIONAL FIREBIRD BOOK AWARDS contest winners. 

One of the winning entries was from Massachusetts author Jessica Maffetore, whose book, Eleanora in Pieces, won first place in the “New Fiction” and “Contemporary Novel” categories and second place in the “Women’s Fiction” category.

Authors and publishers worldwide submitted their work to the International Firebird Book Awards. The panel of judges includes 27 individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Two judges from a select panel read and scored each entry. All judges commit to a set of standardized criteria that evaluate the quality of the writing and the production aspects. The judges only award the coveted Firebird to entries with the highest scores.

Authors can view their entry fee for the International Firebird Book Awards as more than just a fee. It’s a tax-deductible donation that supports a noble cause. Patricia J. Rullo, the awards’ founder, explains, “We give back by hand making colorful pillowcases. We send them, along with children’s books, to women and children who are experiencing homelessness. This includes the shelter Enchanted Makeovers, which is a tax-exempt organization. In this way, authors gain recognition for their work and play a significant role in transforming homeless shelters into bright homes. Winning a book award feels good, but knowing your participation makes a difference feels even better.”

“Speak Up Talk Radio is a gateway to multiple avenues for creative individuals to promote themselves. We provide various opportunities for authors and podcasters to showcase their work and connect with their audience. This includes book awards, podcast awards, radio interviews, audiobook production, podcasting services, social media and audio marketing, and book editing and formatting services.”

The International Firebird Book Awards run quarterly contests so authors can receive timely recognition. Authors of all genres, mainstream, independent, and self-published, are welcome. For additional winning authors, titles, and entry information: Speak Up Talk Radio Firebird Book Awards

6 month countdown!

This past week I received the galley of Eleanora in Pieces from the publisher. It was the first time I had seen my book in actual book format! It’s a beautiful thing–a truly beautiful thing! I just finished working on galley edits which the publisher will incorporate, and then I’ve got one more look at the entire manuscript before it goes to print. Six months until this beauty is out in the world—available September 5th!

News, news and more news!

The latest update on Eleanora in Pieces

The old news

A few months ago I shared that my publisher had delayed the release of my debut novel, Eleanora in Pieces, for the second time, moving it from the original release date of Fall 2022 to Spring 2023. To make a VERY long story short, they did not make that new deadline. The publisher continued to experience a number of concerning issues and could not commit to a release timeline for my book, nor for the books of their many other authors. When things failed to improve over the spring and summer I decided to move on. It was a difficult choice, but the right one for me. I was reluctant to share any news on the situation as I was holding out hope that they would come through and honor their commitments. In the end, it wasn’t to be.

Starting over

While parting ways with my publisher put me back at the beginning of the publishing process, I was starting from a different place than the first time I set out to get a book published. I’ve learned a lot of helpful information over the past few years that made this next round of submissions not quite as daunting. I’ve connected with many amazing authors and seen their success first-hand. I’ve learned how to talk about my book, what to look for in a publisher, how to write a better query letter, and what things are important when it comes to trying to get your book out into the world. This knowledge, along with a great deal of luck made this do-over a lot less painful than I feared it would be. Luckily for me, the stars aligned and, for what seemed like the first time in a long time, things went my way.

The good news

I began querying new publishers over the summer and within a few weeks several of them had requested to review the full manuscript. This was not only unexpected (despite the above stated optimism!), but a huge relief after the disappointment of leaving my last publisher. Even so, I tried to manage my expectations and put it out of my mind since manuscript reviews can often take several months.

However, a few weeks later, I am overjoyed to say, I received and accepted an offer of publication from Black Rose Writing.

The countdown begins

I want to thank my amazing friends, family and supporters who continued to check in and ask about the book over the past two years. Trust me when I say that I know it’s been a TERRIBLY long wait. The best news is that the big day is now within sight. I am over the moon to announce that Eleanora in Pieces will be available….

September 5, 2024!

Stay tuned for the pre-sale date!